Effective Alert Management!

How effectively your current HR and Payroll system alerts you on various events ? Does periodic Alerts has much role in the day to day Payroll and HR operations ?

It is imperative that a good HRMS should have an effective Alert management system such that the users and employees are updated on various events based on the data available in the system. An effective Alert system can improve the efficiency of the overall process, add value to the employees, approvers and system users and most importantly reduce costs by avoiding fines and penalties in some circumstances.


Olive suite has the Alert Manager built into it as an integral module that is interfaced with various modules so that the alerts generated from various modules can be controlled and shown in the common Alert manager itself.

Many systems has some sort of alert mechanisms, but what makes the Alert Manager in Olive distinct is the extent of Alerts generated from various modules within Olive and the mode of displaying them to the end users.
Alerts in Olive can be classified as Employee related Alerts, Company Related Alerts, Reports as Alerts, Asset related Alerts, Warning Message Alerts.

Employee Related Alerts
More than 20 different types of employee related alerts are already built into the system including the following…
Passport Expiry
Visa Expiry
Labour Card / Work Permit Expiry
Health Card Expiry
Driving License Expiry
Emirates ID / National ID expiry
Birth day List
Contract Expiry
Reviews Schedule (Confirmation)
Dependant Document Expiry
Return Passport
Additional Card expiry
Employee Insurance Expiry
Anniversary Date

Payroll / Leave Related Alerts
Duty Not resumed
Return / Rejoining from Leave
Employee Arrival
Loan End Date
Return from Leave
Passport not return after Rejoin
Deductions exceeding Allowances
Net Salary exceeding NN% of Gross Salary
Apart from the above built-in alerts, the User Defined Alerts facility in Olive makes it so powerful such that you have the freedom to create multiple alerts of your own. You may create alerts for various events like Gate Pass Expiry, Certification Expiry, Training schedule etc., use your imagination to define new alerts…

Company Related
Different company Trade License Expiry
Chamber of Commerce License Expiry
Audit Renewal date
Insurance expiry
Apart from the above built-in alerts, the User Defined Alerts facility in the Company Level makes it so powerful such that you have the freedom to create multiple alerts of your own at the company level. You may create alerts for Renewal of each Company level documents, Certification Expiry, Site Inspection dates etc.

Report as Alerts
Employee Service Year List
Age Group List
Leave Salary Due
Air Ticket Due

Asset Related alerts
Asset Warranty Expiry
Asset Insurance expiry
Asset AMC renewal
More than 20 types of Vessel (Ship) related alerts for Certificates and Surveys


Alerts can be configured in Olive using the built in Alert Manager, which is controlled by the standard Security Access Groupings. Each of the Alerts (built-in and user defined) can be activated / deactivated for any of the Olive user, and the Alert condition can be set such that a document related alert can be configured to include all employees whose related document is expiring in next XXX days or in next XX months. The ‘Include already expired’ control against each alert configuration helps you to alert on the expired ones also, in case you have missed one recently. The ‘Include blank ones’ control against each date related alert can automatically include the records which you may have forgotten to enter the dates, as an example, the Passport Expiry alert can show you the list of employees whose passport is expiring in the next 30 (xx) days and it can also include the ones where you may have left the Passport Expiry date field blank.
The Alert Manager modes can be configured to show an alert when the user opens a company in Olive or when a user exits from Olive. Moreover, the Scheduling feature against an alert helps you to activate the alert on various schedules like ‘Every day’, ‘On a specific date’, ‘on Every weekday’, ‘First working day of month’, this is such a good feature that you can set some alerts to appear on Monday, and some every day etc.
With the Service Manager Additional module, the Alerts can be configured to send by email automatically also by the system itself. The Service Manager works as a Service on Microsoft Windows © based Servers and the Alert Manager is integrated to the same. The Service Manager helps you to receive Alerts and specific reports by email on pre-defined schedules, hence you can set the company level alerts to be routed to the Company PRO or Administrator by email, so that he/she can take necessary action, even if they are not logged into the Olive system.

The Olive Alerts are also displayed in a user friendly and convenient format, the user can click on any of the alert and the related records will be shown in different colors based on the varying expiry criteria. Moreover, the user can even update the necessary information of an employee by traversing from the same form to the related forms. The user may even dynamically change the expiry criteria for the alert in display to see the near ones or the farther ones. The user may directly generate the Alert list as a presentation quality report from the display itself or even export as a fully formatted Microsoft Excel © file.

There is so much more to the Alerts management in Olive. If you are still using a conventional system or you are not able to get alerts from your current HRMS, or if you are interested to get a new Alert Manager System to be installed and implemented for your company, we can help. Choose the right solution, used by hundreds of companies in 13 countries…